The Birth of a Club

The following history of the beginning of the Club known as the Central Mass. Steam, Gas & Machinery Association, Inc. was written by Bruce Dexter, one of the original members.

On June 1, 1976, six engine and machinery bugs got together on a small screened in porch at the home of Doug Johnson in Wendell Depot. After much discussion, an antique engine and machinery club was formed and named The Pulleys & Flywheels Association.

July 25, 1976: The club made its first public showing at New Salem Old Home Days. Our exhibits were a real smash.

September 7, 1976: Meeting carried a unanimous vote to change the Club name from Pulleys & Flywheels to Central Mass. Steam, Gas & Machinery Association.

September 25 & 26, 1976: The Club made its second public showing at the Walter E. Ferncol State School. We put out our first donation bucket which was the start of our treasury.

January 4, 1977: Treasurer reported a balance of $153.69.

June 7, 1977 Treasurer reported a balance of $16.71.

The difference of $136.98 is the amount of cash that was spent to put on our first annual "Yankee Engine-uity in Action Show". Everything else that was needed for that fine and successful show was provided by an enrollment of 14 members and their wives.


Bruce Dexter            Ellsworth Songer
Doug Johnson           Roland Jean
Ed Bergquist             Herman Hanson

