The featured tractor for 2002 is the Case, Model VAC
The example pictured here belongs to Robert (Mac) MacDonald. The tractor was originally purchased brand new in 1952 by Bud Paddock who had a chicken farm on the line between Pelham and Amherst, Massachusetts. The tractor spent many years with a bucket on its front end, scooping up "you know what". When Bud finally closed the chicken farm, he used the Case to haul firewood out of the woods for his cordwood business. Bud had found that the Case was quite dangerous for this kind of work, and at one point he seriously considered giving it to an organization that demonstrates how unstable this kind of tractor can be by purposely flipping it over!! Bud changed his mind about this, however, and parked the VAC in his woods where it slowly began to rust away.
Well, Mac grew up in the area, and as a kid he had worked for Mr. Paddock on the chicken farm and had driven the Case tractor many times. When Mac began to fix up old tractors about ten years ago, he asked Mr. Paddock if he could buy the Case. Bud GAVE it to him, but on the condition that he never use it for the kind of work that would make it flip over. The tractor needed very little work to make it run again. Mac rebuilt the generator, rewelded the broken manifold, and bought a new battery. The engine itself needed no work at all. Since then, true to his word, Mac has only used the VAC for light jobs like scraping his unpaved driveway and pulling a wagon for cleaning up leaves and brush.
The Case VAC is the cultivator version of the Case Model VA, so it has a tricycle front end. The regular VA would have a wide front end. The VA series was made from 1942 to 1955. The tractor has a four cylinder gas engine with a bore of 3.25 inches and a stroke of 3.75 inches for a displacement of 124 cubic inches. The compression ratio is 6.0 to 1. This tractor has a hydraulic system and drum brakes. The electrical system was originally six volt, but it has been converted to twelve volt. Mac will probably not convert it back, because the original parts are long gone. Besides, that's part of the "history" of an old tractor - the things that the various owners did over the years to repair or "improve" their tractor. Leaving those little details "as is" makes each tractor a "one of a kind" original.