The "S" in the Central Mass. name stands for STEAM!! One of the things that is always prominent at the CMSGMA show at the Orange Airport is the steam display. It is usually coordinated by Ed Bergquist, Jim Boyko and Ed Jones. The display consists of a boiler capable of supplying steam to two or three moderately small steam engines. Steam is also supplied to the "steam table" where any member is invited to display and run toy steam engines or working models.

All of these steam whistles belong to Ed Bergquist.

     It's always interesting to watch a steam engine run. This Simplex steam pump was made by Geo Blake Mfg, and it is owned by David Clark.
     This Cagney locomotive is owned by CMSGMA and it is an actual operating steam locomotive of 15" gauge. There is no "cab" because the engineer must sit on the tender when operating the engine.

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